Our Story

There were so many young boys in my neighborhood that were fatherless so, I started a young men bible study at my home. Throughout discussing the bible and personal growth in them I learned that these young boys didn’t have a positive male role model on their lives. This fellowship began to grow and was taken to ST. James Christian church and began to expand even more. This began from Boys to Men to M.E.N.(Men Empowering Nations).


The Mission of Men Empowering Nations is to impact the lives of tomorrow’s leaders who live in the Sicklerville, Camden County area and beyond. We accomplish this by delivering unique and innovative Bible-based mentoring initiatives that are locally relevant to develop young men who understand the beneficial importance of positive thinking, responsible personal conduct, respect for themselves as well as others and to remain focused on the importance of participating in and giving back to the community.


Our vision is to help young men between the ages of 8 through 18 develop their faith in God through fellowship, education, and leadership development.

Our Vision is to assist them in becoming leaders and productive citizens.

Learning to seek understanding and stand on the Word of God when things do not go as planned.

Spreading the message of Jesus Christ as we fellowship with others.

Mentoring, tutoring, and building self-esteem
Promoting personal and career goals.

Core Values

We rigorously endorse educational achievement and cultural enrichment. Our young men have the opportunity to observe leadership skills in action via our volunteer mentors. The mentors and different presenters share their knowledge and experience. Presenters have included but not limited to returning alumni, area businessmen and New Jersey Department of Corrections: Project Pride. These initiatives assist our mentees in developing life and communication skills, choices decisions consequences strategies, social behavior, etiquette, cultural exposure, business and entrepreneurship, male/female relationships, health and fitness, personal responsibility, social responsibility, Black history, substance abuse awareness and peer pressure. The staff Engages them in athletic activities and accompany them on group field trips.

Our Impact

Founded in 2007

Mentees & Alumni

Mentoring Sessions

Graduation Rate (%)
